Sunday, February 22, 2009

Proud Moments...

Hannah was recently invited to be in the school Spelling Bee. Each class in the 2nd and 3rd grade were asked to do a spelling bee in their own classroom. The top 2 students from each class then where invited to be in the school Spelling Bee. There were 24 students involved from 2nd and 3rd grade. She was the cutest and smallest one by far. They asked the students to make sure they spoke their answer directly into the microphone and she had to stand on her tiptoes to reach the microphone. She was a foot smaller than most of the kids and you could hear the giggles from the other parents when she was asked to spell the word little. I was so proud of her she made it to the 12th round and was the 7th person still standing when she missed out on a hard word for a 2nd grader, coast. When she got out she joined the wall of the other students who were crying and being consoled by their parents where she shed a few tears, but realized how wonderful she really had done. Daddy and mommy are proud of you baby girl!!!
Marissa also got Honor Roll this semester. I didn't get pictures as I didn't want to become a huge embarrasement to my daughter, but another proud moment none the less. She has never missed Honor Roll since kindergarten, but I will have to say I was surprised at how few students there are for being a school of over 2000 enrolled. Even more surprising were how few parents there were to watch their kids. There were only a few hundred kids getting awards for the whole school and only a handful of parents to watch. Marissa also received the Platinum award meaning her GPA was above a 3.7. Great job princess we are so proud of you as well!!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I'm so proud of your girls!! They are so smart. You guys are such good parents, you must spend a lot of time with them.