I can't believe my little girl is growing up so fast. She just turned 8 years old. We always make birthday's a big deal in this family so her birthday fell just days after our family vacation and I hadn't had time to think of what to do nor go and get something for her. She is so easy going though. Her birthday happen to fall on Spring Break so the day went as follows:
-She slept in (a rarity for her)
-Anything she wanted for breakfast... cinnamon toast, pop tart, milk and cereal (also rare as she never eats this much.)
-Talk about plans for a "friend party" and go get invites (3 friends)
-Picnic at the park
-Make cupcakes to take to dance
-Anything in the world for dinner.... She chose green eggs and ham (pretty gross)
-Any dessert... Go to Sonic for a Slush
-Anything to end the day... Rent Meet the Robinson's
Hannah you are so easy going. I can't believe how big you have grown. We love you so much!!
1 year ago